Small shrub to 0.6 m tall, reseeder. Stems single, branching near the base. Branches arcuate to erect giving the plant a vase-shaped habit, young branches densely silvery woolly. Leaflets 5-6 x 0.5-0.7 mm, linear, slightly flattened on abaxial surface, erect, incurved, densely woolly, arranged in dense clusters of leaflets on densely ciliate bases each base with 12-30 leaflets. Inflorescences 1-flowered, axillary in centre of lateral leaf clusters towards ends of seasonal branches. Flowers 10 mm long, pale yellow, longer than subtending leaves; pedicel 1-2 mm long, hairy; bracts 3 mm long, linear, incurved, hairy, inserted at base of the pedicel; bracteoles situated just above bracts, subulate, incurved, hairy. Calyx 8 mm long, campanulate, densely hairy on both inner and outer faces; teeth subequal, subulate, 4-5 mm long, laterals and vexillar teeth shorter than carinal tooth; tube 3 mm long, shorter than teeth. Standard blade 11 x 10 mm, broadly obovate, emarginate, densely sericeous on whole back, hairy on upper third of inner face, base of inner upper third of face densely hairy; back of apex pinkish; claw 3 mm, sharply recurved, sparsely hairy in upper part. Wing blades 9.0 x 2.5 mm, shorter than keel petals, hairy on lower third, linear; petal sculpturing distinct, comprised of 4-5 rows of 10-30 lunate folds, upper basal and upper central, above the billowy midline deep pocket near auricle; claw 3 mm, upcurved. Keel petals 11 x 4 mm, blade hairy all over except for upper margin, 6 mm long, auriculate, obtuse, with well-developed pocket; claw 4 mm long. Androecium 11-12 mm long, with 5 basifixed and 5 dorsifixed, versatile anthers; tenth stamen fused to sheath. Pistil 10 mm long; ovary 3 mm long, shaggy, stalked, ovules 2; style gently upcurved, hairy along upper margin to point of inflexion; stigma flattened, penicillate. Fruits 11 x 5 mm, densely shaggy, silvery, obliquely ovate; seeds unknown.