A shrub or shrublet of unknown size with some similarity to A. alpestris but with much weaker and thinner (rather grass-like) leaves and much smaller flowers. Decumbent or procumbent, spreading, with young branches furnished with long, sparse, spreading hairs, often completely covered with closely leafy short-shoots. Leaves flat, simple (unifoliolate), narrowly lanceolate, 25-45 x 1.5-6 mm, rather thin and weak, tapering, greyish green, glabrous or ciliate with long hairs on the margins, young leaves sparsely pubescent on lower side, with 3 ± distinct longitudinal veins. Inflorescences unifloral (or bifloral), on rather slender, 3-10 mm long, sparsely ciliate peduncles representing tips of branchlets. Flowers quite small. Bract triangular-subulate, 0.1-0.4 mm long, with a few long hairs. Pedicel up to ±1 mm long, with few spreading hairs. Bracteoles similar to the bract. Calyx tube campanulate-cylindrical, ±3 mm long, with scattered, long hairs; lobes triangular-subulate, 1.3-2.4 mm long, tapering, acuminate (not spiny). Petals yellow, with relatively long claws. Standard blade very broadly obovate, 4.5-5.8 x 5.4-6.6 mm, apically rounded but with a short, incurved 'tip', sparsely tomentose on apical third, otherwise glabrous. Wing blades linear-oblong, (4.1-)4.5-5.1 x 1.2-1.7 mm. Keel blades lunate-upcurved, 3.2-3.5 x 1.4-2 mm, apically upcurved and rounded; upper margin S-curved. Pistil glabrous; ovules 2. Pod obliquely ovate, 7-8.5 x 3-4 mm, apically very slightly upcurved, glabrous, smooth, dark.
Erect shrub to 1.5 m. Leaves 1-foliolate, flat, narrowly lanceolate, sometimes long-ciliate on margins, 3-veined from base. Flowers 1(2) on a distinct peduncle, yellow, wings and keel glabrous, calyx sparsely and softly hairy.