Tall laxly branching shrub to 1.7 m tall, reseeder. Stem single, pale brown with irregular network of peeling grey to yellowish bark strips; leaf bases woody, persistent. Stems arising from about 70 cm high and regularly up the stem, semi-erect tending to horizontal when flowering; young branches densely silvery velutinous. Leaves congested, arranged in clusters of up to 6-12 leaflets. Leaflets 8-11 mm long, linear, upper surface flattish, lower convex, soft, semi-erect to patent, mostly incurved, appressed velutinous, silvery-grey. Inflorescences unifloral, on lateral short shoots, many, scattered along seasonal branches. Flowers 10-15 mm long, all petals bright sulphurous yellow, longer than leaves; pedicel < 1 mm long, tomentose; bracts and bracteoles 3-4 mm long, linear, pubescent. Calyx 11-12 mm long, campanulate, appressed velutinous, hairy inside; teeth dark green, broadly lanceolate, equal, displayed outwards, strongly net-veined, 5-6 mm, laterals broadest, 3 mm wide, soft; tube 4-5 mm long, pale yellowish green; slightly shorter than lobes. Standard blade 14 x 15 mm, broadly ovate, margin ciliate, emarginate, back hairy throughout, apex of front sparsely hairy; claw 2.5-3.0 mm, narrow, recurved. Wing blades 12 x 5 mm, broadly cultrate, glabrous; petal sculpturing present, upper basal and upper central, comprised of 5-6 rows of 12-15 lunate costal pockets becoming transcostal lamellate in a depression near the auricle; claw 4 mm, strongly upcurved. Keel petals 10 x 4 mm, blades fused, glabrous, auriculate, pointed, with spurred pocket, claw 5 mm long, tapering. Androecium 10 mm long with 5 basifixed and 5 dorsifixed, versatile anthers. Pistil 8 mm long; ovary 5 mm long, shaggy, ovules 2; style upcurved, bent midway, hairy along upper margin to point of inflecture; stigma inward facing. Fruits 10 x 4 mm (immature), obliquely ovate; densely shaggy, style persistent; immature fruits kidney-shaped; seeds khaki, hilum subterminal. Flowering takes place in September and October, and the species appears to be a fast growing post-fire specialist.