Shrub, 0.9-2.5 m high; much-branched almost from base; densely and smoothly white-puberulous when young. Leaflets (7-)12-25 mm long, soft, densely silvery sericeous, terete. Inflorescences unifloral on long/slender peduncles arising from a short-shoot. Calyx: tube infundibular-campanulate, with short, silvery-sericeous pubescence; lobes sharply demarcated from tube, linear. Petals pale yellow; standard partly violet. Flowering time Aug.-Apr. Pod triangular-lanceolate, somewhat compressed, dark grey, sericeous.
Much-branched shrub, 1-3 m. Leaves 3-foliolate, leaflets terete, densely silvery silky. Flowers solitary on slender peduncles, pale yellow, standard partly violet, wings and keel hairy, calyx silvery silky, lobes linear, awl-shaped, hairy.