A sparingly branched shrub 0.5-1.2(-1.7) m tall, less densely leafy than in subsp. perfoliata. Leaves 15-35(-50) x 12-30(-40) mm, lateral peg-or tooth-like projections up to 1(-1.5) mm long. Inflorescence a sparse (rarely dense) raceme of 4-10(-15) flowers, often subtended by a long internode (and thus not enclosed by the uppermost leaves). Bract 4.5-8 (-10) x 0.4-1(-1.5) mm; bracteoles 3.5-5(-6) x 0.3-0.5(-1) mm. Calyx tube with moderately sparse, long, spreading hairs; lobes (3-)3.5-6.8 mm long. Standard blade (7-)8-11 x (9-)10-13.5(-14.5) mm; wing blades (7-)7.5-10(-10.5) x 3-4.8 mm; keel blades (5.5-)6-7 x (3.5-)3.8-5 mm. Pods 28-35(-37) x (4.8-)5-6.3(-6.8) mm.