An erect, or ascending, rarely decumbent, moderately branched shrub or shrublet (0.2-)0.7-1.5 m tall. Young branches densely tomentose. Leaves trifoliolate, the upper often without, the lower with axillary short-shoots. Leaflets flat, those of long-shoot leaves lanceolate(-ovate), 2-9 x 1-3 mm, apically recurved, with a mucro or spinelet, grey-sericeous or ± greenish and with spreading pubescence. Inflorescence an apical group or head of 2-12 flowers emerging at nearly the same point. Bract broadly lanceolate (-ovate), 3-9 x 1.5-3.5 mm, flat, apically recurved and apiculate. Pedicel short, tomentose. Bracteoles lanceolate or linear, 2.5-10 x 0.3-1.5 mm, flat, hairy. Calyx lanate or sericeous; the lowest lobe enlarged, 3.5-9 x 1-4 mm, oblanceolate, spine-tipped, the other lobes narrowly triangular, shorter, acuminate-spine-tipped. Petals light yellow or yellow or standard ± violet. Standard blade ovate, 5-9 x 5-7 mm, obtuse, sericeous (or partly tomentose) on back. Wing blades rather small, narrowly triangular, 3.5-4.5 x ±2 mm, glabrous or with few hairs distally. Keel blades 4.5-6.5 x 2.5-3.5 mm, sericeous on most parts. Pistil: ovary sericeous; style glabrous except at the base; ovules 2. Pod narrowly and obliquely ovate, 5-8 x 2.5-3.5 mm, smooth, sericeous.
Erect or sprawling shrub, 0.2-1.5 m. Leaves 3-foliolate, leaflets lanceolate, flat, recurved, spine-tipped, grey-hairy. Flowers in a terminal head, pale yellow or yellow, standard ± violet, wings glabrous, keel silky, calyx silky, lobes narrowly triangular, spine-tipped, the lowest lobe enlarged.