A procumbent to decumbent, rather closely branched shrublet. Branches up to 0.5 m long; branchlets ascending, short-villous. Leaflets linear to sausage-shaped, 1.5-3 mm long, 0.4-0.7 mm thick, slightly incurved (not spreading), subterete, sparsely puberulous, glabrescent, apically mucronulate. Flowers solitary (or in pairs) on the tips of densely leafy branchlets (sometimes soon appearing lateral by the development of a branchlet in the axil of the uppermost leaf). Bract subulate, 1.8-2.4 mm long, adaxially canaliculate, puberulous, mucronulate. Pedicel ±1 mm long, white-villous. Bracteoles slightly smaller than the bract. Calyx tube broadly campanulate, with dense, white, spreading pubescence; lobes narrowly triangular, ±2 mm long, ± puberulous, ending in spinelets ±0.6 mm long. Petals bright or light yellow, turning ± violet when fading. Standard ±8 x 5.5 mm, apically incurved and acuminate; short-tomentulose on the back. Wing blades rectangular-elliptic, ±3.4 x 1.7 mm, puberulous along lower margin. Keel blade lunate, tomentulose, ±5 x 2.5 mm excluding an apical, linear, 1.7-2 mm long process attached slightly below the keel apex; keel apically rounded, with slightly concave upper margin. Pistil pubescent on basal and upper parts of the ovary and style base. Ripe pods not seen.
Like A. glossoides but more procumbent, to 50 cm, with mucronulate leaves and puberulous calyx.