A prostrate shrublet forming horizontal mats ±0.8 m across, closely branched. Young branches and branches slack, weak, rather thin, densely leafy and ± sparsely short-tomentose. Leaflets fusiform-linear, 1-3 mm long, ±4 mm thick, subterete or slightly flattened, obtuse or subobtuse, sparsely tomentulose, Inflorescences unifloral, on the tips of short, leafy branchlets, closely subtended by the nearest leaves. Bract ovate, 1.3-1.8 x ±1 mm, flat, subacute, sparsely tomentulose, 1-3-veined, green except at base. Bracteoles similar to the bract, 1.5-2 x 0.8-1.2 mm. Calyx tube campanulate, sparsely tomentose, with ± prominent longitudinal ridges; lobes ovate, 1.2-2 x 1-1.5 mm, acute or subobtuse, with green, ± distinct margins and midvein, the lateral ones on each side ± overlapping basally. Petals yellow. Standard blade broadly obovate, 5-8.5 x 7 mm, rounded at apex, densely sericeous-tomentose on the back. Wing blades narrowly rectangular-elliptic, 5.5-6.5 x 2-2.4 mm. Keel blades lunate, 6-6.5 x 2.5-3 mm, glabrous, with ± straight upper margin and a prominent basal pouch. Wing and keel claws 3-4 mm long, basally adnate to the staminal sheath for 1-1.5 mm. Pistil stipitate; with small, pubescent ovary and slender, glabrous style. Pods rhombic-ovate, ±4 x 2.5 mm, pale brown when ripe, pubescent at least on the apical parts.
Prostrate, mat-forming shrublet with branches to 50 cm. Leaves 3-foliolate, leaflets subterete or slightly flattened, thinly hairy. Flowers solitary at branch tips, yellow, wings and keel glabrous, calyx thinly hairy lobes ovate, overlapping and prominently ridged.