An erect or suberect shrub, 0.2-0.5(-1) m tall, rather densely branched, occasionally almost cushion-like. Branches strong, rigid, spreading, when old then persisting as pungent thorns; young branches puberulous. Leaflets short, linear-oblong to oviform, conical or subglobose, 0.5-3(-5) mm long, terete, apiculate to mucronate, glabrous to grey-puberulous. Flowers solitary or in pairs near the tips of branches (ending beyond the flower in a thorn) or on the tips of short, sometimes almost leafless, lateral branchlets. Bract and bracteoles ovate to subulate, small, 0.8-1.8 mm long, apiculate-mucronulate, subglabrous or puberulous. Pedicel (1.1-)1.5-2 mm long, short-pubescent. Calyx tube campanulate, densely puberulous; lobes triangular, 1.2-2 mm long, greenish, puberulous to subglabrous, ending in a sharp spinelet. Petals pale yellow, turning sombre violet when fading. Standard ovate, (6.4-)8.2-10.4 x (4.2-)4.6-6.5 mm, ± recurved at the base; apex incurved, acute; sides ± incurved; back densely short-sericeous. Wing blades very short, ovate-elliptic, (1.5-)2.4-4.6 x (1.2-)1.7-2.1 mm, with some pubescence on lower parts and 5-6 rows of minute folds covering most of outer side. Keel 'boomerang-shaped', angled, relatively large, (5.5-)6.5-9.2 x (2.3-)2.6-3 mm, apically obtuse, sericeous on most of outside (upper, concave margin glabrous). Pistil pubescent on upper parts of ovary and style base. Ripe pods not seen.
Suberect, rigid, spreading, densely branched shrub, 0.2-0.5(-1) m tall, branches thorny when old. Leaves 3-foliolate, leaflets linear-oblong to conical or ± globose, sharp-tipped, short, glabrous or grey hairy. Flowers solitary or paired near branch tips, pale yellow, calyx hairy, lobes broad at base, spinelet-tipped, standard basally recurved, apex incurved, densely silky on back, keel boomerang-shaped, silky.
Like A. acuminata but wings very short, to half as long as boomerang-shaped keel.