A prostrate, matted shrublet with branches up to 0.5 m long or longer, slack, rather densely branched; young branches short-villous. Leaflets in fascicles, more than 3 together, linear, 1.5-3.5(-4.5) mm long, ±0.5 mm thick, subterete, acute, straight or apically slightly incurved, light green, glabrous. Inflorescences unifloral, on tips of short, ± densely leafy branchlets. Bract and bracteoles small, linear, 1.2-2.7 x 0.3-0.4 mm, acute, short-ciliate. Pedicel very short. Calyx tube subglabrous, with low and indistinct longitudinal ridges; lobes ovoid, 1.3-2.5 x 0.7 x 1.2 mm, carnose, subterete, green, glabrous, acute-apiculate. Petals light yellow, sometimes with red shades, glabrous, with short claws. Standard blade broadly elliptic, 6.5-7 x 5.5-6 mm, smooth, with apiculate apex. Wing blades narrowly obovate, 4-5.2 x 1.8-2.2 mm, with 4-5 rows of minute indistinct folds on basal half. Keel strongly upcurved, ±5.5 mm long, 2.5 mm broad at broadest part, rounded apically, with strongly concave upper margin. Pistil pubescent on upper side of ovary and basal half of the style; ovules 2. Pod triangular-ovate, 4.8-5.5 x 2.4-2.7 mm, smooth, almost glabrous, brown-yellow when ripe.
Prostrate, matted shrublet with branches to 50 cm, like A. juniperina but calyx lobes ovoid-fleshy.