A procumbent, decumbent or rarely half-ascending shrublet with branches up to 1 m long or more, sparingly branched; young branches short-and white-villous, tomentose or puberulous; lateral, floriferous branchlets leafy, with few, sometimes long, internodes (but rarely consisting of one peduncle-like internode). Leaflets linear-subulate, (1-)2-7.5(-10) mm long, subterete, acute to apiculate, often curved near the apex, weak, rather slender, glabrous (rarely ± pubescent, not prickly). Inflorescences unifloral (rarely bifloral and flowers then close together) at the tips of the branchlets, closely subtended by the most distal two leaves (and their axillary short-shoot leaves). Bract subulate (or narrowly lanceolate), 1.5-3(-3.5) x 0.3-0.6 mm, green, acuminate, subglabrous or with sparse hairs. Pedicel (0.5-)1-2.5 mm long, pubescent. Bracteoles 2-4(-5) mm long. Calyx tube campanulate, often partly reddish with short, tomentose, often sparse pubescence; lobes narrowly lanceolate or broadly subulate, (1.7-)2-4(-5) mm long, green, carnose, acuminate, glabrous or with few scattered hairs, sometimes ± reflexed. Petals yellow, or the standard and parts of wings and keel dark violet, purple or red, the yellow and purplish colour often contrasting; claws relatively short, usually ± a third or (often much) less the length of the blades. 'Standard blade broadly ovate or elliptic, 6-10.5 x (3.2-)3.5-7 mm, glabrous or often tomentose on upper and central parts; apex pointed, often green and slightly carnose. Wing blades (5.3-)5.5-9.5 x 2-4.5(-4.8) mm, very narrowly obovate, glabrous or rarely tomentose on lower apical parts with 4-5 rows of minute folds on upper basal parts. Keel blades lunate, (4.8-)5.5-7.5(-8) x 3-4.5 mm, obtuse (approaching acute), glabrous, with slightly concave upper margin. Pistil pubescent on upper half of ovary and basal parts of the style; ovules 2. Pod lanceolate to narrowly triangular-ovate, (9-)12-15(-19) x 4-5.5 mm, rather thick and hard, rather sparsely tomentose to lanate on most parts, becoming dark.
Sprawling shrublet with branches to 1 m long. Leaves 3-foliolate, leaflets subterete, awl-shaped, often curved near tip, weak, sometimes hairy. Flowers solitary at tips of branchlets, yellow, standard, wing and keel partly dark violet, purple or red, wings glabrous or rarely hairy, keel glabrous, calyx shortly hairy, lobes awl-shaped, sometimes ± reflexed, subglabrous.