Erect shrub, 0.25-1.00(-3.50) m high; sparsely or densely branched, young branchlets short-villous. Leaves variable. Leaflets 3-15(-18) mm long, grey-pubescent or glabrous, spreading or ascending, linear or subterete, rigid or weak, acute or spine-tipped. Inflorescences unifloral on lateral short-shoots, with 2-4 flowers on leafy branchlet tips. Flowers relatively small. Calyx: tube shortly hairy, widely globose-campanulate; lobes ± narrowly triangular, pungent, midvein distinct. Petals: wing and keel blades pubescent on outer side; pale to bright yellow, often fading brownish. Flowering time July-Mar. Pod sericeous or woolly-villous, convex lanceolate.
Erect shrub, 0.25-2 m. Leaves 3-foliolate, leaflets subterete, needle-like, straight or slightly curved, spine-tipped, glabrous or hairy. Flowers single on short shoots, several near branch tips, pale to bright yellow, often fading brownish, wings hairy, keel upper margins usually S-curved, silky, calyx shortly hairy, lobes narrowly triangular, spine-tipped, subglabrous or hairy.