Shrub, 0.4-1.5 m high; sparsely branched with densely leafy, villous, wand-like branches. Leaflets needle-like, often sigmoid, pungent, usually grey-hairy, 6-15 mm long, rigid, recurved below apex. Inflorescences unifloral; flowers scattered, mostly concentrated at ends of branches. Flowers relatively large. Calyx campanulate, villous; lobes triangular subulate, usually spine-tipped. Petals: wing blades ± 6.5 mm long, pale to bright yellow; keel glabrous. Flowering time May-Dec. Pod widely lanceolate-elliptic, partly white-woolly.
Sparsely branched shrub with densely leafy, wand-like branches, 0.5-1.2 m. Leaves 3-foliolate, leaflets needle-like, rigid, often S-shaped, spine-tipped, usually grey-hairy. Flowers single, scattered or crowded near branch tips, pale to bright yellow, wings and keel glabrous, calyx silky, lobes awl-shaped, usually spine-tipped, silky.