A decumbent shrublet with much weaker and more slender branches than in A. fasciculata, reaching only ±0.2 m above the ground. Young branches tomentose. Upper leaves without axillary short-shoots. Leaflets flat, linear-(ob)lanceolate, those of long-shoot leaves 10-14 x 1-2.5 mm, acute, weak, green, subglabrous but with long, spreading hairs on the margins. Inflorescence a terminal head of 4-10 shortly pedicellate flowers. Bracts elliptic or lanceolate, tapering at each end, 10-13 x 4-5 mm, partly pale, veiny, subglabrous but marginally ciliate, pointed. Pedicel 1-2 mm long, tomentose. Bracteoles linear, 9-11 x 0.5-1 mm, ciliate. Calyx clothed with sparse, rather spreading hairs; lowest lobe larger than the others, oblanceolate-linear, 'boat-shaped', 9-10 x 3-3.5 mm, subglabrous but marginally ciliate; other lobes linear, 7-8 x 1-1.5 mm, ciliate. Petals yellow. Standard ovate ±8-9 x 8-9 mm, apically retuse, sericeous on the back. Wing blades oblong, 7-8 x 3-3.5 mm, glabrous. Keel 5-6 x ±4 mm, with straight upper margin, glabrous. Pistil puberulous on the base and upper edge of ovary; ovules 7 or 8. Pods not seen.
Slender, sprawling shrublet 20 cm. Leaves 3-foliolate, leaflets linear-oblanceolate, flat, weak, subglabrous but margins long ciliate. Flowers in terminal heads, yellow, wings and keel glabrous, calyx sparsely hairy, lobes linear with lowest lobe enlarged and boat-shaped, margins ciliate.