Decumbent to ascending, robust shrublet. ±0.3 m tall. Young branches woolly-tomentose. Leaflets flat, oblong-oblanceolate, 6-12 x 2-4.5 mm, mucronulate or acute, fleshy. Inflorescence a head with 4-15 flowers. Bract flat, variable, the peripheral largest, the.inner smallest, oblanceolate to obovate. 10-13 x 3.5-8 mm, smooth, glabrous, carnose, acute to mucronulate. Pedicel short, tomentose. Bracteoles linear or oblanceolate. 6-9 x 0.3-2.5 mm. Calyx tube basally hairy, otherwise glabrous; lobes narrowly ovate-triangular, 5-6 x 2.5-3 mm, green but pale marginally, glabrous, coriaceous, acute. Petals bright yellow. Standard blade 9.5-10.3 x 6.5-7 mm. obtuse to acute, glabrous except for some tomentose pubescence on the base (near the claw). Wing blades narrowly elliptic-oblong. 9-9.7 x ±3.5 mm, glabrous with several rows of minute folds on basal half. Keel blades lunate, ±8 x 4 mm, not upcurved, obtuse, with indistinct basal bulge and with rather tapering (not rounded) basal upper lobe. Pistil hairy on ovary base only; ovules 4 or 5. Pod broadly lanceolate, 10.5-12 x 4.3-5 mm, smooth, blackish when ripe.
Robust shrublet to 30 cm. Leaves 3-foliolate, leaflets oblong-oblanceolate, flat, fleshy. Flowers in terminal heads of 4-15, bright yellow, wings and keel glabrous, with tapering basal upper lobe, calyx fleshy, shortly hairy at base, lobes large, narrowly ovate-triangular, glabrous.