Erect, spiny shrub, up to 0.8 m high. Stems densely pubescent when young, glabrous with age. Spines short, broad, recurved, decreasing in size upwards, present below branches, branchlets and cladode fascicles. Cladodes up to 40 per fascicle, filiform, curved, apiculate, typically ± 5 mm long, but can be longer. Flowers in racemes, contemporary with cladodes, strongly scented; stamens with yellow anthers; pedicels articulated near base. Flowering time Jan.-Mar. Fruit a berry.
Large shrub or climber, up to 3 m high. Side roots tuberous. Stem smooth, white. Leaves glacous. Cladodes varying in size and number, filiform, curved, apiculate, up to 35 mm long. Racemes contemporary with cladodes. Flowers white.