Shrubs or chamaephytes, erect, glabrous, ± 0.3 m high, flowering before cladodes develop. Rhizome compact, woody, covered by numerous acute cataphylls. Roots (incomplete) spreading, many, long, cylindrical, ± 12 mm in diameter with some thin side roots. Stems several, simple, erect, placed close together, ridged, the ridges consisting of large transparent cells. Spines few, recurved, 3-5 mm long, hard. Cladodes ± 8-12 per fascicle, linear, ± 20 x 0.5 mm, unequally long, flat above, margin and keel with large transparent cells, greyish green. Racemes near base of plant, maturing before cladodes develop, simple, short, dense, up to 250 mm long but usually shorter. Flowers 2-4 per fascicle, placed close together, subtended by minute, membranous bracts and a small, reflexed spine; pedicels short; tepals oblong, ± 2 mm long; stalk ± 5 mm long, disc placed near or below centre. Stamens with yellow or orange anthers. Ovary ovoid, attenuated into a short style; ovules 4 in each locule. Berry ± 6 mm in diameter, red.