Plants forming clumps, bright green, hard. Shoots several, ± cylindrical and shaped like a foxtail, ±150-200 mm long, and 20-30 mm in diameter, developing laterally from a compact rhizome. Roots terete, ±4 mm in diameter, hard and long. Stems erect, covered by overlapping, ascending, short branches and branchlets, terminating in a long sharp, brown spine, striate-pubescent. Flowers 1-few, situated close to base of branchlets, subsessile, placed on a small disc, surrounded by minute bracts; tepals succulent, persistent, surrounding base of berry, semi-ovoid, ±1.5 mm long, apex obtuse, brown. Stamens appressed to hollow inside of tepals and about half as long. Berry globose, ±3 mm in diameter, black; with 3 minute, divergent stigmas at apex.
Erect, spiny, puberulous shrublet to 20 cm, stems brush-like, striate. Cladodes solitary, terete and spiny. Flowers 1-few in axils, succulent, ?cleistogamous.