Rhizome terete. Leaves solitary; petiole 7.5--50 cm, rigid; leaf blade lanceolate, 25--30 × 4.5--5.5 cm. Scape rather short; bracts ca. 5, speckled with purplish brown. Flower solitary, nodding. Perianth pale green, densely speckled with purplish brown, campanulate, fleshy, 8-lobed apically; tube hemispheric; lobes ovate, with 2 fleshy keels adaxially, keels dark purple, densely and minutely papillose. Stamens 8, inserted at middle of perianth tube, positioned lower than stigma, subsessile; anthers oblong. Ovary with deeply colored speckles, ovoid, angled; stigma white, orbicular, large, adaxially with 4 radial, fork-tipped ridges from center to margin. Fl. Mar.