Plants subshrubby, ca. 30 cm tall, covered with medifixed, appressed hairs. Stems shortly ligneous in lower part, parts of current year up to 18 cm, loosely furnished with hairs 0.4-0.5 mm. Leaves 2-4.5 cm; stipules 1.5-3 mm, hairy like stem; petiole 0.8-2 cm, very slender, with rachis loosely to rather densely hairy like stem; leaflets in 2-4 pairs, filiform, (4-)8-20 × 0.3-0.5 mm, both surfaces loosely covered with hairs 0.5-1 mm. Racemes 2.5-4 cm, 3-7-flowered; peduncle 6-11 cm, hairy like stem; bracts 1.5-2 mm. Calyx 11-12 mm, rather densely covered with white and black hairs 0.5-1 mm; teeth 2-3 mm. Petals yellow; standard obovate, ca. 20 × 7-8 mm, in middle constricted, apex emarginate; wings ca. 18 mm; keel ca. 15 mm. Legumes (not fully ripe) linear, straight, 30-35 mm, ca. 2 mm high and wide, shortly acuminate; valves densely covered with ± medifixed, appressed, predominantly black hairs 0.3-0.5 mm.