Leaf lamina ovate or rhombic, varying to broadly elliptic, ovate-lanceolate or subrhombic 3–13 × 1·8–9 cm., acute or rounded at the apex, cuneate or truncate at the base, entire or slightly or occasionally distinctly repand above the middle, thinly covered with white stellate hairs above, more or less densely so and paler beneath; petiole up to 4 cm. long.
Stems simple, erect up to 120 cm. tall, covered with pale fawn to whitish stellate tomentum, as are petioles, peduncles, pedicels and calyces, becoming woody and glabrous at the base.
Corolla cream to white with purple centre, funnel-shaped, up to 1·5 cm. long; limb about 2 cm. in diam.
Flowers in crowded about 6-flowered cymes; peduncle up to 5·5 cm. long; pedicels about 5 mm. long.
Sepals lanceolate, ovate-lanceolate, acute, up to 6 mm. long, tomentose outside.
Funnel-shaped flowers 3/4 in. long, white red-purple centre.
Erect perennial herb, woody below 1-2 ft. high
Covered with yellowish stellate tomentum
Capsule ovoid, glabrous.
Seeds villous-sericeous.
Annual with woody base.