Plants with closely leafy stems, 20 cm or more tall, ca. 4 cm wide, ascendant with age, proliferous from the base or higher up, sometimes dichotomously branching. Leaves arranged somewhat imbricately in 5 more or less distinct spiralled rows, ovate or somewhat orbicular-ovate, ± abruptly ending in a rather long, rigid, very sharp point, the outermost tip brownish, very spreading, somewhat recurved, ca. 20-25 mm long, 12-14 mm wide, 4-5 mm thick, deep green, covered with a thin layer of wax and therefore, especially the younger leaves, very glaucous green, dull; face somewhat concave or flat; back rounded, obliquely and sharply keeled towards the top, with many narrow, darker, green, longitudinal lines; margins and keel slightly thickened, shining, minutely crenulate. Peduncle, including the raceme, 34 cm tall, simple, erect, reddish brown, somewhat waxy, ca. 3 mm in diameter, with few bracts; raceme 13 cm long, with flowers erect-spreading, alternate, rather crowded pedicels 10-15 mm long, incurved, their bracts about half as long; perianth ovoid, hexangular, 7-10 mm long, 4-4.5 mm wide at the base and constricted to about 2 mm wide at the throat, white with green longitudinal stripes, the angles very swollen-prominent with deep grooves between, the yellowish segments short, blunt, somewhat crisped at their margins, the inner ones more erect, the outer ones sometimes recurved.
Caulescent succulent, up to 200 mm tall. Leaves light green, not pungent, smooth and finely striate. Flowers in lax racemes, erect, white with yellow tepals, midribs pale green, outer tepals sometimes slightly inflated below.
Caulescent succulent to 20 cm. Leaves light green, not pungent, smooth and finely striate. Flowers in lax racemes, erect, white with yellow tepals, midribs pale green, outer tepals sometimes slightly inflated below.