Asystasia gangetica (L.) T.Anderson

Chinese violet (en)


Angiosperms > Lamiales > Acanthaceae > Asystasia


Perennial suffrutescent herb, stem trailing at the base and rooting at the lower nodes, rarely erect, 0.3-2.0 m high, branched or rarely unbranched, quadrangular, pubescent or nearly glabrous except at the nodes. Leaves lanceolate to ovate or rarely oblong, cuneate to cordate at the base or rarely oblique, acuminate, acute or rarely apiculate or obtuse at the apex, entire at the margins, sparsely pubescent or nearly glabrous, provided with cystoliths, lateral veins 4-6 paired: petiole (2-)5-57 mm long. Inflorescence a terminal raceme, or rarely a panicle, 3-several-flowered; peduncle with rachis 2-25 cm long, pubescent or nearly glabrous; flowers one-sided, or rarely opposite: pedicel 1-3 mm long, pubescent with both glandular and non-glandular hairs. Bracts and bracteoles minute, 0.8-3 x 0.3-0.8 mm, triangular, nearly glabrous, but ciliate at the margins. Calyx 5-lobed, 4-10 x 0.5-1.5 mm, subulate, sparsely pubescent with glandular and non-glandular hairs. Corolla white with violet/purple markings on the lower lip, or purplish with reticulate and conspicuous veins, 12-42 mm long; tube 8.5-31 mm long, sparsely pubescent with glandular and non-glandular hairs, the latter denser below the attachment of the filaments inside. Stamens didynamous, filaments with shorter pair 2.5-8 mm long, longer pair 3.5-10.5 mm long and with a row of glandular hairs; anthers 1.5-4 mm long, 2-thecous, thecae unequally placed, spurred at the base. Ovary 2-4 mm long, densely pubescent with white non-glandular hairs; style 6-22 mm long, pubescent about half of its length from the base; stigma shortly bifid. Capsule 18-31 mm long, pubescent with glandular and non-glandular hairs, 4-seeded; seeds compressed, grey to brown, 4.0-5.5 mm in diameter, tuberculate, crenate to double dentate at the margins.
Shrub or subshrub to 1.5 m tall, creeping or climbing. Branches ± quadrangular, sometimes furrowed on both sides, often constricted above nodes, these pubescent, glabrate or pubescent with trichomes disposed in decussating lines. Petiole 2-30 mm long; blade ovate, 15-45(-90) x 5-30(-50) mm, apex abruptly acuminate, truncate at base, glabrous or minutely pubescent on upper surface, minutely and sparingly pubescent on primary and secondary veins on lower surface, margin ± entire to shallowly erose; leaves subtending peduncles reduced, narrower than cauline leaves. Inflorescence an axillary or terminal, often secund raceme, 4-10(-20) cm long; peduncle to 5.5 cm long; bracts in opposite pairs on either side of peduncle, triangular, 0.8-2 x 0.75-1.5 mm, pubescent with eglandular trichomes on outer midrib and margins; bracteoles similar to bracts but smaller. Flowers single at nodes, sparse; pedicel 0.5-1.5 mm long. Calyx 5-10 mm long, glabrous or pubescent without, with glandular and eglandular trichomes; corolla blue, mauve or white, appearing yellowish when dry, 30-40 mm long, inconspicuously puberulous without, with glandular and eglandular trichomes, tube and throat 15-20 mm long, tube half the length of throat, throat 13 mm wide, lobes rounded, 8.5-15 mm in diameter, conspicuously and coarsely reticulate veined; stamens ± equal, each pair arising 3.5-4 mm above base, free for about 4 mm, filaments near base with 2 lines of trichomes; thecae sparsely eglandular and glandular pubescent dorsally just above base; ovary pubescent, style 14-16 mm long, basally pubescent. Capsule 20-25 mm long, pubescent, retinacula 2 in each valve, often 1 and its seed not developed fully; seeds 4 x 4 mm, smooth on sides.
Herbs, ascending to ca. 30 cm; stems quadrangular, pilose. Leaves ovate to deltoid, to 5 cm long and 3.5 cm wide, apically acuminate, basally obtuse to truncate, both surfaces glabrate to sparingly pilose, especially on the veins, numerous cystoliths visible only on the upper surface, the margins crenulate to entire. Inflorescences in terminal, mostly secund racemes, to 16 cm long. Flowers on short pedicels ca. 2 mm long, yellow with purplish throats; 4 bractlets in 2 series subtending each flower, small, to 2 mm long, lanceolate, pilose; calyx and pedicel pilose and with numerous glandular hairs, the calyx lobes lanceolate, 5-7 mm long; corolla to 4 cm long, funnelform, the lower portion of the tube to 3.5 mm wide, 10 mm wide at the throat, the lobes semiorbiculate, ca. 10 mm wide, with numerous, minute, glandular hairs without, glabrous within; stamens 4, didynamous, included, the anthers 2-celled, each cell mucronulate both apically and basally, 3 mm long, 1 mm wide; ovary 3.5 mm long, the style velutinous 21 mm long, the stigma 2-lobed. Capsule oblong, to 13 mm long and 2 mm wide; seeds 2-4, flat, oval, ca. 1 mm long and 0.75 mm wide, oblique at the point of attachment, edged with dense mucilaginous hairs when wet.
Herbs to 0.5 m tall, ascending. Stems 4-angled, pilose. Petiole 3-5 mm, pubescent; leaf blade ovate to elliptic, 3-12 × 1-5 cm, glabrous or sparsely pilose especially on veins, adaxially with numerous cystoliths, base truncate to rounded, margin entire or slightly crenulate, apex acuminate. Racemes axillary or terminal, to 16 cm; bracts triangular, ca. 5 mm, pilose; bracteoles linear-lanceolate, 1-2.5 mm, pilose. Pedicel 2-3 mm, pilose. Calyx ca. 7 mm; lobes linear-lanceolate, 5-7 × 1-1.2 mm, outside glandular pilose, margin ciliate. Corolla yellow or white, 1.2-3.5 cm, outside gland-tipped pilose, inside glabrous; tube basally cylindric and ca. 3 mm wide for ca. 8 mm then gradually widened to ca. 1 cm; lobes obovate to semicircular, 0.7-1.2 × 0.8-1 cm; middle lobe of lower lip with violet or maroon markings. Stamens included; filaments glabrous, longer pair ca. 5 mm, shorter pair ca. 3 mm; anther thecae ca. 3 × 1 mm. Ovary ellipsoid, ca. 3.5 mm; style ca. 1.8 cm, velutinous; stigma slightly capitate, 2-lobed. Capsule ca. 1.3 × 2 cm, pubescent. Seeds irregularly obovate in outline, 3-5 × 0.5-3 mm, tuberculate-rugose. Fl. Sep-Dec, fr. Dec-Mar. 2n = 26, 52.
An erect herb. It can clamber over other objects. It can keep growing from year to year. It can also be grown each year from seed. It grows 60-100 cm high. The leaves are oval or heart shaped. They are 3-6 cm long. The flowers are bell shaped. They have lobes which flare out. They are light violet with a light yellow throat. They can be all yellow. They occur in spikes. The flowers are 3-5 cm wide. The fruit is a capsule that splits open. It is cylinder shaped and 2.5 cm long.
Perennial herb, 0.2-2.0 m high (when scandent). Inflorescence a helicoid cyme. Calyx with filiform eglandular and stalked glandular trichomes abaxially common, strigose and sessile glandular trichomes adaxially. Corolla creamy white, constricted basally, narrow part as long as calyx lobes. Stamens: filaments and connectives with glandular trichomes. Stigma bifid with short, rounded lobes. Flowering time all year. Seeds verrucose, D-shaped.
Erect to procumbent annual herb, up to 1 m high. Stems and capsules pubescent. Lower leaves petiolate, ovate. Racemes terminal, loose; bracts inconspicuous. Flowers purple to pale yellow or white.
Very similar to A. calycina Benth. but easily distinguishable from this species by the much smaller calyx.
Herb, 1-4 ft. high
Life form perennial
Growth form herb
Growth support climber
Foliage retention evergreen
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination entomogamy
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 0.5 - 1.22
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) 0.5
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months
Fruit color -
Fruiting months
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway c3


It is a tropical plant. It grows near Chennai in India. It grows naturally in India and Malaysia and probably East Africa. It prefers moderate moisture but can tolerate dry periods. It can grow in full sun or light shade. It grows in the lowlands. It suits hardiness zones 9-12. In Yunnan.
Roadsides and riverbanks, in semi-waterlogged areas as well as well drained cultivated areas.
Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 9-12


The leaves are used as a pot-herb or stir-fried. They are added to fish and meat stews. The leaves are also dried and stored.
Uses animal food environmental use fodder food fuel gene source material medicinal social use
Edible flowers leaves shoots stems
Therapeutic use Anthelmintics (leaf), Antirheumatic agents (leaf), Edema (leaf), Fractures, bone (leaf), Inflammation (shoot), Wound healing (shoot), Swelling (unspecified), Rheumatism (unspecified), Anthelmintics (unspecified), Anti-inflammatory agents (unspecified), Antirheumatic agents (unspecified), Cardiovascular system (unspecified), Edema (unspecified)
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


It can be grown from seed, layering of the stems or cuttings.
Mode cuttings seedlings
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) 23 - 28
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -



Asystasia gangetica habit picture by Steve FAAEVA (cc-by-sa)
Asystasia gangetica habit picture by Chee Keong Chan (cc-by-sa)


Asystasia gangetica leaf picture by Geoffrey Lebreton (cc-by-sa)
Asystasia gangetica leaf picture by aarati (cc-by-sa)
Asystasia gangetica leaf picture by grau mariana (cc-by-sa)


Asystasia gangetica flower picture by Rekha Suresh (cc-by-sa)
Asystasia gangetica flower picture by Geoffrey Lebreton (cc-by-sa)
Asystasia gangetica flower picture by Geoffrey Lebreton (cc-by-sa)


Asystasia gangetica fruit picture by Chee Keong Chan (cc-by-sa)


Asystasia gangetica world distribution map, present in Australia, Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba, Bangladesh, Bahamas, Belize, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Brazil, Barbados, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Cayman Islands, Dominican Republic, Fiji, Micronesia (Federated States of), Guadeloupe, Grenada, Guatemala, Guam, Guyana, Honduras, Haiti, India, Jamaica, Cambodia, Kiribati, Saint Lucia, Marshall Islands, Myanmar, Northern Mariana Islands, Montserrat, Martinique, Malaysia, Nicaragua, Niue, Pakistan, Panama, Philippines, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Puerto Rico, Portugal, Singapore, Thailand, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Taiwan, Province of China, United States of America, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), Viet Nam, and South Africa


WFO ID wfo-0000555197
INPN ID 446858
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Ruellia zeylanica Tyloglossa longipes Justicia plumbaginea Asystasia bojeriana Asystasia violacea Ruellia biloba Asystasia acuminata Dyschoriste biloba Intrusaria bicolor Justicia gangetica Ruellia gangetica Asystasia coromandeliana Asystasia coromandeliana Asystasia calycina Asystasia plumbaginea Asystasia quarterna Asystasia gangetica var. mendeliana Asystasia comorensis var. humilis Asystasia gangetica subsp. gangetica Asystasia gangetica

Lower taxons

Asystasia gangetica subsp. micrantha