Atriplex glabriuscula Edmondston

Scotland orache (en), Arroche de babington (fr), Arroche de Babington (fr)


Angiosperms > Caryophyllales > Amaranthaceae > Atriplex


Herbs, monoecious, prostrate or sprawling, or sometimes erect, branched, (1-)2-10 dm; branches opposite or subopposite. Stems green and striped, often blue-green when fresh, weakly ridged, sparsely scurfy to glabrous. Leaves: petiole 0.2-2.5(-3.5) cm; blade all entire or some or all triangular or lance-hastate with lobes spreading to antrorse, 5-100 × 3-80 mm, base abruptly to narrowly cuneate, entire or irregularly toothed. Flowers in loose glomerules, arranged in foliose, interrupted spikes or axillary, terminating stems and branches. Bracteoles green, becoming black or reddish to yellow brown, sessile or some short stipitate, venation obscure, ovate-triangular to rhombic-triangular, 5-13 mm, margin united almost to middle, with few irregular teeth or entire, apex abruptly acuminate, faces irregularly muricate, tuberculate, or smooth, inflated, spongy inner layer strongly developed at bracteole base. Seeds dimorphic: brown, 2.5-4 mm wide (often the only ones present), or black, (1.2-)1.5-2.9(-3) mm wide; radicle median, ± antrorse, of brown seed basal and spreading. 2n = 18, 36.
Plants to 1 m, prostrate to sometimes erect; lvs green, the principal ones mostly 4–10 cm, usually deltoid-hastate and irregularly toothed above the lobes; infls of loose glomerules forming a terminal thyrse, leafy-bracteate throughout; fruiting bracteoles spongy-thickened toward the base, obscurely veined, mostly 5–13 mm, united nearly to the middle, ovate-triangular to rhombic-triangular, abruptly acuminate, the lateral angles rounded, with a few small teeth or entire, the back often roughened; brown seeds 2.5–4 mm wide; black seeds smaller, 1.5–2.5 mm wide, or wanting; radicle median, ascending; diploid on x=9. Sea beaches; Nf. and Que. to R.I., and widespread on the Atlantic coast of Europe, whence probably intr. (A. patula ssp. g.)
A herb. It lies along the ground. It can grow 20-100 cm high. The branches are opposite. The stems are green and striped. The leaves are 1-10 cm long by 1-8 cm wide. The seeds can be black or brown. They are 3-4 mm wide.
Life form annual
Growth form herb
Growth support -
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality monoecy
Spread epizoochory
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 0.3 - 1.0
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway c4


It is a temperate plant. It grows in salty and brackish marshes. It can grow in coastal regions. It is best in sunny locations.
Sandy or gravelly shores, at or somewhat above the high tide mark.
Light 7-9
Soil humidity 1-6
Soil texture 4-6
Soil acidity 3-9
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 4-9


The leaves can be eaten as a vegetable. The seeds can be ground into a flour and used as a thickener or mixed with wheat flour for bread.
Uses -
Edible leaves seeds
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Plants can be grown by seed or cuttings.
Mode seedlings
Germination duration (days) 9 - 21
Germination temperacture (C°) 10 - 12
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -



Atriplex glabriuscula leaf picture by Nigel Nigel Voaden (cc-by-sa)
Atriplex glabriuscula leaf picture by guinnevere lowe (cc-by-sa)


Atriplex glabriuscula fruit picture by guinnevere lowe (cc-by-sa)


Atriplex glabriuscula world distribution map, present in Belgium, Canada, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, France, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Greenland, Iceland, Lithuania, Latvia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russian Federation, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Sweden, and United States of America


WFO ID wfo-0000556064
INPN ID 85063
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR)


Atriplex glabriuscula Atriplex babingtonii Atriplex glabriuscula var. oblanceolata Atriplex hastata var. oblanceolata Atriplex patula subsp. glabriuscula Atriplex patula var. oblanceolata Atriplex glabriuscula var. glabriuscula

Lower taxons

Atriplex glabriuscula var. acadiensis Atriplex glabriuscula var. franktonii