Atriplex tatarica L.

Tatarian orache (en), Arroche de Tartarie (fr)


Angiosperms > Caryophyllales > Amaranthaceae > Atriplex


Herbs, much branched, forming tangled or spreading masses. Stems with branches divaricate or ascending, terete or obtusely angled, 2-10(-15) dm, sparsely scurfy when young. Leaves alternate (or the proximalmost opposite), long petiolate becoming nearly sessile distally, blade ovate to triangular, 15-50(-60) × 10-40 mm, base subhastate or cuneate, margin deeply or shallowly sinuate-dentate with acute or obtuse teeth, apex acute or obtuse, distalmost bracteate blades becoming entire and linear or oblong-linear. Staminate flowers in glomerules borne in slender, naked or sparingly bracteate (at base), mostly interrupted simple or paniculate spikes, calyx 5-cleft. Pistillate flowers fascicled in distal axils. Fruiting bracteoles strongly 3-veined and reticulate, sessile or short stipitate, ovate-rhombic or subflabelliform, 4-8 × 3-7 mm, moderately compressed, united from narrowed base to middle, margin broad, foliaceous, coarsely dentate, indurate at maturity, faces tuberculate or smooth. Seeds brown, 1.5-2 mm; radicle inferior, ascending.
Herbs annual, 20-80 cm tall. Stem erect or decumbent, usually much branched, bark of lower stem exfoliating; branches slender, obliquely spreading. Petiole short or to 2 cm; leaf blade linear-oblong to triangular-ovate, 2-7 × 1-4 cm, abaxially densely gray-white furfuraceous, adaxially green and not furfuraceous, base cuneate to broadly so, margin irregularly serrate, sinuately lobed, remotely toothed, or entire, apex acute or shortly acuminate, with pellucid tip. Inflorescences axillary glomerules forming panicles on upper stem and branches; rachis densely furfuraceous. Male flowers: perianth obconic, 5-parted; stamens 5; anthers oblong. Fruiting bracts connate proximally, rhombic-ovate to ovate, basal central part yellow-white with prominent veins, sometimes with a few tuberculate appendages, margins ± dentate. Utricle ovoid or subglobose, compressed; pericarp white, membranous, adnate to seed. Seed vertical, yellow-brown to red-brown, 1.5-2.5 mm in diam.; perisperm yellow-brown, solid. Fl. and fr. Jul-Sep.
An annual herb. It grows from 20-80 cm tall.
Life form annual
Growth form herb
Growth support free-standing
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality monoecy
Spread anemochory barochory
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 0.55 - 0.9
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) 0.8
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months
Fruit color -
Fruiting months
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway c4


It is a temperate plant. It grows in saline and alkaline deserts. It can grow in soil that is occasionally water logged. It can grow in arid places.
Saline and alkaline deserts, sometimes also found in field margins and wet plains in the Gobi Desert.
Light 7-9
Soil humidity 1-5
Soil texture 4-6
Soil acidity 3-9
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 5-10


The leaves are cooked and eaten. They are used in soup.
Uses animal food environmental use food medicinal
Edible leaves seeds
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Plants can be grown by seed or cuttings.
Mode seedlings
Germination duration (days) 9 - 21
Germination temperacture (C°) 10 - 12
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -



Atriplex tatarica leaf picture by Alexander Baransky (cc-by-sa)
Atriplex tatarica leaf picture by Viktória (cc-by-sa)
Atriplex tatarica leaf picture by Pascal DUPUIS (cc-by-sa)


Atriplex tatarica fruit picture by Aig Garcia (cc-by-sa)


Atriplex tatarica world distribution map, present in Afghanistan, United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bulgaria, Belarus, Chile, China, Czech Republic, Germany, Algeria, Egypt, Estonia, France, Georgia, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Liberia, Lithuania, Latvia, Morocco, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Mongolia, Pakistan, Poland, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United States of America, Uzbekistan, and South Africa


WFO ID wfo-0000556655
INPN ID 85132
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR)


Atriplex lehmanniana Atriplex multicolora Atriplex arazdajanica Atriplex campestris Atriplex olivieri Atriplex tornabenei Chenopodium tataricum Schizotheca tatarica Teutliopsis tatarica Obione graeca Atriplex diffusa Atriplex incisa Atriplex veneta Atriplex graeca Atriplex pruinosa Atriplex rosea var. subintegra Atriplex tornabenei var. pedunculata Atriplex tataricus subsp. tornabenii Atriplex tatarica var. tatarica Atriplex tatarica

Lower taxons

Atriplex tatarica var. pamirica