Usually 40-60 cm high. Branchlets slender, minutely hispid. Leaves 1-6 (mostly 4) mm long, erect-spreading, ascending or imbricate, straight, slightly incurved or recurved above the middle, linear, linear-lanceolate or lanceolate, obtuse or subacute, at first apiculate, rounded-convex or slightly keeled on the back, slightly convex and keeled on the ventral face, scabridous on one or both surfaces, usually becoming smooth or almost so. Pedicels about 1 mm long. Bracteoles 6 or 7, closely imbricate at the base of the calyx, 1 mm long, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, subacute, ciliate. Calyx-tube narrowly obconic, tubercled: calyx-lobes about 1-25 mm long, bluntly keeled on the dorsal surface, slightly concave on the ventral surface, minutely ciliate. Petals 2 mm long, obovate, white. Anthers 0-5 mm long, lanceolate, obtuse, reaching to the middle of the petals. Ovary papillate at the top: stylar column 0-5 mm long: stigmas indistinct. Fruit bearing tubercles arranged in columns.
Closely leafy, erect and much-branched shrub to 60 cm. Leaves scale-like, linear, imbricate, subterete. Flowers loosely aggregated in spike-like clusters, white, with petals ± 2 mm long, floral receptacle with fleshy warts.