Plants mostly 150-200 mm high. Stem erect, often branched, velvety hairy. Leaves lanceolate to oblong, mostly 9-12 mm wide, lightly pleated, fairly soft-textured, sparsely hairy. Spike suberect, 6-to 10-flowered; bracts green with dry rust-coloured tips, outer ± obtuse to bilobed at apex, densely hairy, mostly 16-20 mm long, inner slightly shorter than outer, divided to base. Flowers zygomorphic, lilac to deep mauve or violet, lower tepals white in centre with spear-shaped reddish basal mark, or with narrow median white stripe, lightly rose-scented; perianth tube slender, straight, widening in upper 1/3, 25-30 mm long; tepals subequal, ascending, 20-24 mm long, dorsal mostly 1-3 mm longer than lower 3, upper laterals joined to lower tepals for ± 2 mm. Stamens unilateral; filaments weakly arched, mauve, ± 15 mm long; anthers ± 6 mm long, dark purple, with narrow connective visible. Ovary densely hairy; style dividing between middle and apex of anthers, branches 3-4 mm long, expanded and densely ciliate at tips, exceeding anthers.
Cormous geophyte 15-20 mm, with suberect stem. Leaves loosely pleated, softly hairy. Flowers several in an inclined spike, zygomorphic, purple, tube elongate, anthers erect, violet, inner bracts divided to base, ovary hairy.