A medium sized tree. The leaves are narrowly oval and taper to a short point. Plants are separately male and female. The flowers are hairy. The fruit are bright red. They are 2.5 cm across. They are produced along the trunk.
Life form |
Growth form |
Growth support |
Foliage retention |
Sexuality |
Pollination |
Spread |
Mature width (meter) |
Mature height (meter) |
Root system |
Rooting depth (meter) |
Root diameter (meter) |
Flower color |
Blooming months |
Fruit color |
Fruiting months |
Nitrogen fixer |
Photosynthetic pathway |
A tropical plant. It occurs between 300-900 m above sea level. It is in areas with a temperature between 16°-30°C and a rainfall of 150-200 cm. It grows in tropical wet evergreen forest.
Light |
Soil humidity |
Soil texture |
Soil acidity |
Soil nutriment |
Hardiness (USDA) |
The fruit are eaten. It is the fleshy layer around the seeds (aril) that is eaten. They are acid. They are used as an alternative to tamarind. They are also used for pickles.
Mode |
Germination duration (days) |
Germination temperacture (C°) |
Germination luminosity |
Germination treatment |
Minimum temperature (C°) |
Optimum temperature (C°) |
Size |
Vigor |
Productivity |