Shrub to 3 m tall, without lignotuber. Bark smooth, becoming lightly fissured. Stems hirsute and pubescent, glabrescent. Leaves: petiole 2-3 mm long; lamina obovate to angular-obovate, 1.5-3.7 cm long, 4-20 mm wide, obtuse, mucronate, deep green and shining above, pale below; margins with 2-4 teeth each side; both sides tomentose, glabrescent except wool in pits in lower surface. Inflorescence terminal, with 20-35 flowers; involucral bracts 2-4 mm long, tomentose and pubescent. Flowers red in lower half, grading to cream above with pale yellow limb; styles cream. Perianth 21-23 mm long including limb of 3-3.5 mm; claws appressed-pubescent outside, glabrous inside; limb glabrous. Pistil 19-24 mm long, straight, glabrous; pollen presenter slightly thickened, c. 1 mm long. Old flowers soon falling. Follicles 1-6, ovate, somewhat curved, 14-19 mm long, 10-15 mm high, 8-9 mm wide; valves smooth, closely tomentose. Seed obliquely ovate; seed body ±cuneate, 4 mm long and wide, crinkled outside, with a few ridges inside.