Flowers in lax terminal or axillary racemes often aggregated to form pseudopanicles; pedicels 4–9 mm long, with 2 large stipules or a ± concave fused stipular 'bract' at the base; bracteoles 4–6 mm long, broadly elliptic to suborbicular, both inserted on upper side of pedicel and usually partially fused near the base.
Petals white to pink-or violet-tinged; standard (16)18–26 mm long; wings 16–21 mm long; keel petals 16–18 mm long, appressed brown pubescent outside towards their fused margin.
Leaflet coriaceous, 4–16 × 2–7 cm, elliptic to obovate, the base rounded to cuneate, apex obtuse to emarginate, glabrous; petiole 0.8–5.5 cm long.
Calyx 13–17 mm long, splitting to the base on one side and almost to halfway on the opposite side, all 5 teeth usually becoming free.
Young branches, inflorescence, bracteoles and calyces covered with a dense dark brown tomentum.
Pod up to 17 × 2.5 cm, brown-tomentose.
Ovary 5–8 mm long, brown-villous.
Small tree up to 10 m high.
Stamen filaments hairy.