Shrub or shrublet (45) 90-300 cm tall; young stems with dense pale dendritic hairs, often yellow-buff on uppermost internodes, white or cream below; woody stems glabrescent. Leaves ovate to broadly so, 5-14 x 3-9 cm, base rounded above a short attenuate portion, apex acute or shortly attenuate, surfaces at first white-felty with dense dendritic hairs, sometimes yellow-buff beneath, hairs ± falling early, mature leaves sometimes glabrescent above, more persistent beneath particularly on veins; lateral veins 4-6 pairs, prominent beneath; petiole 8-23 mm long. Inflorescence subglobose, 2.7-5.5 cm in diameter, bracts, bracteoles and calyx green at first with purple margin, apex and blotching, turning brown-scarious except sometimes the outer bracts; outermost 2 (4) pairs of bracts imbricate, largely enclosing rest of inflorescence, broadly ovate, 24-40 (50) x 18-30 (38) mm, surface with unevenly distributed white dendritic hairs most dense along midrib and towards base and margin, pinnate-reticulate venation conspicuous; bracts rapidly reducing in size inwards, those towards outside of head 21-37 x 3.5-9 mm, spathulate or obovate, the innermost linear and down to 13 x 1.5 mm; bracteoles linear to oblong-oblanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, 17.5-30 (38) x 1.5-5 mm, ascending, margin and midrib with numerous long antrorse bulbous-based hairs, sometimes with a stellate base. Anterior calyx lobe oblong-ovate to obovate, 17-27 x 5.5-11 mm, base cuneate, apex bifid with divergent triangular lobes 2.5-8.5 mm long, venation palmate or subparallel, prominent, surface with long bulbous-based antrorse hairs numerous along margin, sometimes with a stellate base; posterior lobe ovate to lanceolate, 15.5-23 x 5.5-9 mm, apex acuminate, hairs along margin as for anterior lobe, external surface elsewhere largely glabrous; lateral lobes linear-lanceolate, 9-11.5 mm long. Corolla 45-68 mm long, white, glabrous externally; tube cylindrical, 27-37 mm long, curved, barely widened at mouth; each lobe 14-25 mm long, abaxial lobe widest, 7.5-14.5 mm wide, offset by 3.5-7.5 mm, adaxial lobes narrower, 6.5-12 mm wide. Stamens attached ± midway along corolla tube; filaments 28-35 mm long; anthers 4-4.8 mm long; lateral staminodes 3-4 mm long, pubescent towards base, antherodes 0.6-0.9 mm long. Ovary glabrous; style puberulous at base; stigma 2.5-3.5 mm long. Capsule 12.5-16 mm long, shortly beaked, glabrous. Seeds 6.5-8 x 6-7.5 mm.
Shrub, 1.0-1.5 m high, unarmed. Branches and leaves tomentose with white dendroid hairs. Leaves broadly ovate, large, long-petioled. Flowers large ± 45 mm long, in dense globose terminal heads. Flowers white.