Compact spiny subshrub 20-50 cm tall. Stems white-puberulous when young, hairs concentrated on two opposite sides or more widespread, later glabrescent; base of stems woody and often stout. Axillary spines 2-4 (6)-rayed, stalk 0-2 mm long, longest ray (5.5) 9-18.5 mm long. Leaves somewhat coriaceous, narrowly oblong or oblanceolate, 2.7-6.3 x 0.8-1.7 cm, base cuneate, apex acute or lower pairs more rounded, mucronate, margin and veins beneath strigulose when young, later glabrescent, broad sessile glands ± numerous towards base beneath; petiole 0-5 mm. Inflorescence axillary, flowers solitary, sometimes clustered towards stem apex, sessile; bracts foliaceous, often with more numerous and conspicuous sessile glands towards base; bracteoles whitish, spinose, 11.5-18.5 x 1.5-2.5 mm. Outer calyx lobes subequal, lanceolate, 10.5-15 x 3-5 mm, long-attenuate into apical spine, anterior lobe sometimes bifid, surface and margin sparsely strigulose or glabrescent, with scattered broad sessile glands, 2 (anterior) or 1 (posterior) veins prominent; lateral lobes 9-12 mm long. Corolla 29-34 mm long, yellow, glabrous externally or with sparse short hairs on tube; tube 10.5-13 mm long; limb in 4+1 arrangement; abaxial lobe offset by 4-6 mm, this and lateral lobes 12-16 x 7-12 mm; adaxial lobes 6-9.5 mm wide. Stamens with filaments 15-17.5 mm long, shortly pubescent; anthers 3.5-4.7 mm long; lateral staminodes 1-1.5 mm, pilose, antherodes 1-1.2 mm. Ovary glabrous; stigma linear, 1.5-2 mm long. Capsule 13-17 mm long, glabrous. Seeds 7-8 x 5.5-6.5 mm.