Subshrub 10–25 cm. tall often with an ericoid appearance with few to many branched or ± unbranched erect or decumbent stems from a woody rootstock, blackish below where epidermis eventually peels, reddish brown above, spreading white pubescent when young; internodes short.
Corolla white or pale blue, the tube often pinkish, pubescent outside; tube 1.1–2.4 cm. long, 0.6 mm. wide at base, dilated in long-styled flowers to 1.5 mm. for 3.5–4 mm.; lobes 5–9 x 2.5–4.2 mm.
Style exserted in long-styled flowers 1.6–7 mm. and stamens completely included; stigmatic lobes 1.5–3 mm. long, filiform.
Flowers solitary or mostly paired at the apices of the branchlets and also in the second and third and even lower axils.
Calyx tube ovoid, about 2 mm. x 1.5 mm., pubescent, the largest lobes 5.5 x 0.25–1.3 mm. the smallest about 1 mm.
Fruit 2.5 mm. long and wide, ovoid, splitting longitudinally septicidally and loculicidally, without a beak.
Filaments exserted 4–5 mm. in short-styled flowers, the style included.