Large liana with coarse tendrils; young branches terete, glabrous. Leaves: stipules oblong, puberulous, 5-7 by 2 mm, early caducous; petiole 6-20 cm long, produced into a small, caducous mucro; leaflets 2, ovate-oblong, often strongly unequal-sided; apex short to long acuminate, 12-30(-40) by 7 — 10( — 14) cm; nerves 4 or 5, strongly developed and connected by many conspicuous, straight, transverse, secondary nerves; glabrous on upper surface, thinly pubescent to almost glabrous on lower. Inflorescences lateral, usually simple racemes, 20-40 cm long, with stout, brownish tomentose axis; pedicels 5-25 mm, densely light brown tomentose; bracts large, ovate, up to 13 by 8 mm, tomentose particularly on the outer side; bracteoles similar, inserted on top of the pedicel and enclosing the bud. Buds ovoid, ridged, brownish tomentose, c. 10 mm including the c. 3 mm long, broad campanulate hypanthium. Calyx splitting into 2 or 3 ovate-acute lobes, c. 15 mm long, glabrous inside. Petals whitish, streaked with purple, subequal, ovate, woolly-tomentose outside, short clawed, c. 25 mm long. Stamens 10: 5 long with filament c. 25 mm, 5 short with filament c. 10 mm; filaments hairy at base; anthers ellipsoid, c. 5 mm. Ovary glabrous, 10-15 mm, on a 10-12 mm long stipe; style c. 10 mm; stigma small, capitate. Pods strap-shaped, broadest at apex, explosively dehiscent, glabrous, flat, up to 20 by 4.5 cm. Seeds c. 4, flat, orbicular, c. 2.5 cm diam.