Very viscid glandular-pubescent perennial branching herb with spreading or ascending stems up to 30 cm. long and a long woody tap-root.
Sepals 4–5 mm. long, lanceolate, apex long-acuminate, margin hyaline and often pinkish, somewhat keeled, glandular outside.
Flowers in dense, axillary, subsessile, 2–5-flowered cymes; pedicels up to 6 mm. long, but mostly shorter, glandular.
Stamens 10, the outer 5 slightly longer than the inner and with filaments slightly more dilated towards the base.
Ovary ovoid, longitudinally 5-ribbed, many-ovulate; styles spreading, c. 1 mm. long; stigmas capitate.
Petals 2·5–3 mm. long, oblong-elliptic, mucronulate.
Ripe capsules and seeds not seen.