Stamens 10 or occasionally 12, filaments broadened at the base and narrowing gradually to a subulate apex, those opposite the sepals c. 1·5 mm. long and those opposite the petals c. 1·3 mm. long; anthers versatile, broadly oblong and c. 0·3 mm. long.
Flowers in axillary 5–9-flowered fascicles or cymes, on very slender, pilose pedicels up to 6 mm. long; bracts up to 2 mm. long, subulate, single-nerved, with ciliolate-pubescent margins.
Ovary ovoid, glabrous, 5-locular, longitudinally 5-ribbed, loculi many-ovuled; styles 5, slender, recurved, as long or almost as long as the ovary.
Sepals 1·5–2 × 0·5 mm., lanceolate, subulate at the apex, pilose on the back with a green keel and purplish margins.
Seeds brown, 0·4–0·5 × 0·15–0·2 mm., very numerous, narrowly oblong-cylindric, minutely longitudinally striate.
Erect herb up to 20 cm. tall and somewhat branched; stems brownish, pilose but becoming glabrous later.
Petals probably white, slightly shorter than the sepals, c. 1·5 × 0·75 mm., subacute or obtuse.
Capsule c. 1–5 mm. in diam., splitting into 5 valves.