Prostrate perennial with long radiating annual branches, often rooting at the nodes, from a perennial crown; side branches many, short, prostrate or erect. Stems terete, pubescent. Leaves small, uniform in shape, but varying somewhat in size, narrowly ovate, 5-10 mm long and up to 3 mm broad, coriaceous, margin raised, laxly serrulate, nerves prominent below; stipules linear, serrulate. Flowers small, about 2.5 mm long, in 4-7-flowered axillary glomerules, pedicels about 2 mm, hairy. Sepals narrowly oblong, 2 mm long, acute, mucronate, firm. Petals ovate, 2.5 mm long, white or pink. Stamens 10, purple, with the outer filaments somewhat expanded and slightly longer than inner. Ovary ovoid, purple, styles fairly short with bulbous stigmas. Capsule 5-partite, globose with the valves hollow; seeds oblong-cylindrical, 0.75 mm tesselate, brown, usually 1-few developed in each carpel.
Perennial herb. Stems procumbent with long, annual branches, radiating from a perennial crown; pilose. Leaves with blade narrowly ovate, 5-10 x 3 mm, margin raised, coriaceous. Flowers: in 4-7-flowered, axillary glomerules; sepals short, ± 2 mm long, spine-tipped; petals slightly longer than sepals, white or pink; Nov.-Jul. Fruit globose; seeds brown.
Prostrate perennial herb. Stems pilose. Leaves 5-10 mm long, narrowly ovate, coriaceous. Sepals short, spine-tipped. Styles short. Flowers white or pink.