Leaves opposite, sessile or subsessile, 0·5–1·7 × 0·2–0·7 cm., narrowly elliptic, elliptic or oblanceolate, acute or subacute at the apex, cuneate at the base, margin distantly denticulate or entire, glabrous and glaucous on both sides; stipules 1–2 mm. long, linear-lanceolate, with scarious-denticulate margins.
Flowers solitary or rarely two together in the leaf-axils, on glabrous slender pedicels up to 1·8 cm. long, crowded towards the ends of the branches; bracts c. 2 mm. long, subulate.
Stamens 10, subequal; filaments c. 2 mm. long, somewhat broadened at the base, tapering to the subulate apex; anthers c. 0·3 mm. long, ovate.
Sepals 3–5 × 2–3 mm., ovate, acute or acuminate, exposed margins purplish, margins overlapped by other sepals hyaline and membranous.
Small annual with prostrate or decumbent, 4-sided, glabrous, often purplish stems 5–8 cm. long, often forming a rosette.
Ovary ovoid, longitudinally 5-ribbed; styles very short, less than 0·5 mm. long, recurved; stigmas capitate.
Seeds brown, c. 0·4 × 0·3 mm., very numerous, broadly oblong-cylindric, minutely longitudinally striate.
Petals white or rose, 2·5–3 × 1·5–2 mm., elliptic, blunt or subacute at the apex.
Capsule c. 2·5 mm. in diam., splitting into 5 valves.