Shrub to 2 m high, viscid on flower buds and flowers; young branchlets with a moderately dense white indumentum of stellate hairs, glabrescent, tuberculate. Leaves alternate, linear, 10–30 mm long, 0.9–1.5 mm wide; base cuneate; margin recurved or revolute to midrib concealing abaxial surface; apex recurved, rounded; adaxial surface with a moderately dense indumentum of stipitate stellate hairs, glabrescent, tuberculate. Inflorescences on peduncles 1–1.5 mm long. Male flowers: androecium 5.5–6.5 mm long; stamens 45–65. Female flowers sessile; calyx lobes elliptic or ovate, 3.8–6.2 mm long, glabrous abaxially, with margins fimbriate; ovary glabrous. Fruit ellipsoid, 6.9–9.2 mm long, glabrous, 1-seeded; persistent calyx lobes more than half the fruit length.
Grows in shallow sandy soils on rocky hillsides and ridges of sandstone, granite or trachyte in dry sclerophyll forest, low open woodland, open mallee, shrubland or heathland; also rarely along rocky sandstone creeklines.