Usually 1-1.5 m high, with glabrous branchlets. Leaves 2-5 mm long, lanceolate, ovate-lanceolate or ovate, obtuse, usually with a distinct keel on the dorsal surface, somewhat convex or flat and often furrowed below and keeled above the middle of the ventral surface, glabrous, decurrent, erect-spreading or spreading. Stipules minute, subulate, ustulate. Flowering heads mostly 6-9 mm wide, globose, terminating short branchlets, in corymb-like clusters. Bract and bracteoles spathulate, with caducous unicellular hairs on the dorsal surface, reaching to about the middle of the petals. Calyx-tube obconic, clothed with caducous unicellular hairs: calyx-lobes scarcely half as long as the petals, subulate, with few caducous hairs. Petals 2.5-3.5 mm long, oblanceolate or oblong and narrowing towards the base, obtuse, thickened at the apex, with 2 minute keels from the middle downwards, glabrous, cream-coloured. Stamens twice as long as the petals: anthers about 1 mm long, oblong: thecae free 2/3 of their length. Ovary almost entirely inferior, villous on the upper part. Fruit unknown.
Densely leafy shrub to 1.5 m, coppicing from a woody caudex. Leaves ascending, oblanceolate. Flowers crowded in rounded heads, ± 1 cm diam., aggregated in corymbs, white, peduncles red, often swollen and fleshy.