Usually 2-3 m high, with villous branchlets. Leaves mostly 1-1.2 cm long, petiolate, closely set, erect-spreading or spreading, slightly curved upwards, narrowly lanceolate-linear, convex and keeled on the dorsal surface, slightly convex on the ventral surface, furrowed on the lower half, at first pilose, becoming glabrous. Flower-heads about 1.5 cm wide, globose, involucred by scale-like leaves, clustered in corymb-like groups. Bract spathulate, villous on the lower half of the dorsal surface, reaching to about the middle of the petals. Flowers curved slightly upwards. Calyx-tube obconic, clothed with caducous unicellular hairs: calyx-lobes spaced at the base, about half as long as the petals, linear, tipped with a deciduous acumen, villous on the dorsal surface. Petals about 7 mm long, linear-elliptic in the upper half, tapering to the base, obtuse, white, with 2 wing-like decurrent keels slightly above the middle. Stamens exserted: filaments slightly unequal in length: anthers 2 mm long, linear: thecae free slightly more than 1/3 of their length. Ovary 1/2 inferior, rounded and glabrous in the upper part, with 2 imperfectly formed uniovulate chambers (rarely, by abortion, 1-chambered and with a solitary style): ovules pendulous from near the top of the chambers: styles glabrous. Fruit woody, 1-or 2-seeded.
Densely leafy, single-stemmed shrub, 2-3 m. Leaves spreading-ascending, petiolate, linear-lanceolate, pilose, furrowed beneath. Flowers crowded in dense, rounded heads crowded at branch tips in tight corymbs, white.
Densely leafy, single-stemmed shrub, 2-3 m. Leaves spreading-ascending, petiolate, linear-lanceolate, pilose, furrowed beneath. Flowers crowded in dense rounded heads crowded at branch tips in tight corymbs, white.