Usually 2-3 m high, densely branched in the upper parts, with slender glabrous branchlets (resembling the branches of some species of Selaginella). Leaves 3-4 mm long, closely set, erect-spreading, shortly petiolate, linear-lanceolate, subacute, tetragonal, glabrous except for minute hairs while in the young state. Flower-heads 4-5 mm long, rotund, terminating very short branchlets with pale modified leaves, crowded in oblong clusters. Bract spathulate, glabrous or sparsely ciliate, reaching the middle of the petals. Bracteoles 2, linear-spathulate, sparsely ciliate. Calyx-tube obconic, glabrous: calyx-lobes spaced at the base, ovate, apiculate, sparsely ciliate, reaching to the middle of the petals. Petals about 1.5 mm long, elliptic, tapering at the base, much recurved above the middle, minutely pubescent on the lower halves of both surfaces, cream-coloured, with a pouch at the middle of the ventral surface and 2 keels below. Stamens shortly exserted: anthers scarcely 0.5 mm long, sagittate: thecae free in the lower half. Ovary 1/2 inferior, conical and villous in the upper part, with 2 imperfectly formed uniovulate chambers: styles slender, glabrous, shortly exserted. Fruit dehiscent, 1-seeded: seeds elliptic, slightly compressed, wrinkled on the back, with a median ridge on the ventral surface.
Finely and densely leafy shrub mostly to 1 m. Leaves spreading-ascending, linear-lanceolate. Flowers crowded in small axillary heads 3-4 mm diam., arranged in short racemes and clustered terminally in loose corymbs, cream-coloured.