About 60 cm high, with pilose branchlets. Leaves mostly about 4 mm long, closely set, acicular, acute, tetragonal, clothed with subpersistent grey pilosity, erect-spreading, incurved above the middle. Flowering heads 7-8 mm wide, rotund or globose, terminating short leafy branchlets, clustered in a corymbose formation. Bract and bracteoles oblanceolate, persistently pilose on the dorsal surface, reaching to shortly above the middle of the petals. Calyx-tube obconic, clothed with caducous hairs: calyx-lobes subulate, sparsely pilose, reaching the middle of the petals. Petals about 2.5 mm long, linear-oblong, obtuse, tapering towards the base, pilose on the lower half of the dorsal surface, indistinctly keeled on the lower half. Stamens twice as long as the petals: anthers 0.75 mm long, oblong: thecae free 2/3 of their length. Ovary almost entirely inferior, with caducous hairs on the summit. Fruit unknown.
Like B. abrotanoides but leaves persistently pilose.