About 60 cm high, moderately branched, with sparsely pilose branchlets. Leaves mostly 4-5 mm long, erect-spreading, linear-lanceolate, subacute, tetragonal, sparsely ciliate below the middle, slightly incurved above. Flowering heads about 1 cm wide, rotund, terminating short leafy branchlets, clustered in corymbose formations. Bract oblanceolate, tapering towards the apex, with caducous hairs on the dorsal surface, reaching to shortly above the middle of the petals. Calyx-tube obconic, clothed with caducous unicellular hairs: calyx-lobes decurrent on the tube, of the length of the petals, linear, acute, with caducous hairs on the dorsal surface. Petals about 3.5 mm long, narrowly spathulate, obtuse, glabrous, with 2 keels converging from the middle downwards. Stamens twice as long as the petals: anthers about 1 mm long, oblong: thecae free f of their length. Ovary almost entirely inferior. Fruit unknown.
Closely leafy, willowy shrub to 1.5 m. Leaves ascending, incurved in upper half. Flowers crowded in ovoid, heads aggregated into small corymbs, white.