Tree up to 30 m by 50 cm ø. Buttresses up to 3 m. Bark pale brown, hard, fissured. Branchlets light brown. Stipules lanceolate, 4-11 mm. Leaves elliptic to elliptic-oblong, sometimes ovate-oblong, 8-16 by 3.5-8 cm; base rounded or acute; apex acute to short-acuminate; nerves 9-11 pairs; petiole 1-4.5 cm. Racemes 1(-2) in a leaf-axil; peduncle very short. Pedicels 3-8 mm. Flowers greenish pink, usually 2 or 3 in a cluster. Calyx lobes obovate, 3 by 2 mm, obtuse. Petals elliptic-or obovate-oblong, 4.5 by 2 mm, obtuse. Stamens c. 2.25 mm long; anthers broad-ovoid, c. 1 by 2/3 mm, free for lower ⅔, introrse, slightly apiculate; filament a continuation of the disk. Disk shallow-cupular, usually glabrous. Ovary subglobose, c. 1.25 mm ø; styles 2, almost as long as the ovary, slightly united at the base. Fruits yellow, ellipsoid, with 2 vertical grooves, gradually narrowed towards both ends. Seeds ellipsoid, 18 by 9 mm, almost completely enveloped by the orange aril.