Perennial. Stem woody, usually branched, up to 30 cm high. Leaves 18-27-jugate; rachis 7-17 cm, yellowish appressed to patently pubescent; leaflets rarely overlapping, terminals 9-22 by 3-8 mm, oblong to lanceolate, widest at or above the middle, ± as long as the preceding, midrib ± median; others asymmetric, elliptic to oblong, basiscopical half of base rounded, acroscopical half truncate, more or less drawn out, margins otherwise ± parallel, midrib excentric at base; apex central, rounded, apiculate; above sparsely strigose, hairs often in three rows, to glabrescent, beneath more strigose; nerves many. Peduncle 5-19½ cm, up to 9-flowered, puberulous, sometimes with a few septate-glandular hairs. Pedicels 5-17 mm, puberulous and with a few gland hairs. Sepals 4½-6 by 1-½ mm, lanceolate, acute, sparsely strigose to glabrous, sometimes with a few septate gland hairs, ½-⅔ as long as the corolla, in fruit 5-12-nerved, half to ± equally as long as the pedicel, 1¼-2 times as long as the fruit. Petals 9-10 by 1-2½ mm, lanceolate, apex rounded to truncate, white with yellowish base. Filaments in SF 1½-3½ and 4½-6½ mm long, in MF 1½ and 5¾ mm long, in LF 1-1½ and 2¾-4 mm long, the longer ciliate. Ovary 1 by ½-¾ mm, glabrous; styles puberulous, in SF ½-1¼ mm, in MF 2.5 mm, in LF 4-6 mm long; stigma flattened, crenate to bifid; ovules 2-4 per cell. Fruit 3-4 by 2-3 mm, glabrous. Seeds 2-3 per cell, 1-1¼ by ¾-1 mm, with transverse tuberculated ridges.