Annual. Stem simple, up to 35 cm, medullary, compressible, smooth. Leaves 6-11(-14)-jugate; rachis 2½-6(-9½) cm, sparsely puberulous; leaflets rarely overlapping, terminals largest, 7-18 by 4-7 mm, asymmetric, obovate, midrib excentric, curved; others elliptic, symmetric, base truncate, not drawn out, margin ± parallel, midrib median, straight to slightly curved; apex rounded, apiculate, ± glabrous, margins sparsely strigose; nerves many, oblique, little conspicuous. Peduncles up to 6½(-12½) cm, patent to ap-pressed-strigose and septate-glandular hairy, up to 8-flowered. Pedicels up to 7 mm; bracts ovate-attenuate, 1-1½ mm. Sepals 2¼-4 by ½-1 mm, ovate-lanceolate, acute, in fruit 3-8-nerved, ½-⅔ as long as pedicel, ± as long as fruit, ± half as long as corolla. Petals 6-8 by 1-2 mm, elliptic-to oblanceolate, apex rounded to emarginate, base yellow, above with red to purplish veins. Filaments (MF) 1-1½ and 2-3 mm, the longer sparsely ciliate. Ovary 0.5-1 by ⅓-½ mm, glabrous; styles (MF) ½-¾ mm; stigma flattened, crenate to bifid; ovules 3-4 per cell. Fruit 2-3 by 2-2½ mm apically puberulous and minutely septate-glandular-hairy on the ribs. Seeds 1-3 per cell, c. 1 by ½ mm, transversely ridged and tubercled.
Shady places, waste land, river-banks, under damp thickets, etc., up to 800 m.