Flowers dull pink with slender pilose pedicels up to 8 mm. long, in 10–16-flowered pseudumbels; peduncle up to 18 cm. long, pilose.
Acaulescent perennial herb up to 20 cm. in height with an unbranched hairy thickened woody rootstock.
Sepals 6–6·5 × 1·5–1·8 mm., reddish, narrowly elliptic, 5–7-nerved, pubescent.
Stamens with 5 longer ones 4·5 mm. long and 5 shorter ones 2·5 mm. long.
Seeds 0·8 × 0·6–0·7 mm., brown, subglobose to ellipsoid, tuberculate.
Ovary 5-lobed; styles 1·9 mm. long, almost glabrous.
Capsule 3 × 2·5 mm., broadly ellipsoid.
Petals c. 8 mm. long, glabrous.