Epiphytic shrub, the younger stems, petioles and leaf-blades glabrous or thinly furfuraceous; petioles rather slender, 2-4 cm. long; leaf-blades thin, elliptic, up to 25 cm. long, about a third as wide, abruptly and shortly caudate, acuminate, rounded at base, 3-nerved with an additional pair of marginal nerves; flowers few in the axils, on pedicels about 5 mm. long; bracts connate to the middle, pubescent on the outside and distally on the inside; calyx-tube widely spreading; sepals tert minated by a foliaceous, reflexed, folded, broadly ovate, pubescent appendage; petals rose-red, 2-2.5 cm. long, tuberculate on both sides; anthers broadly elliptic, about 5 mm. long, the connective bearing a short, obtuse, basal spur.