Shrubs to 1 m tall. Branches densely yellow glandular pilose when young. Petiole 3-4 cm; leaf blade oblong to narrowly ovate-oblong, 10-18 × 4-7.5 cm, membranous, abaxially pilose along veins, adaxially tuberculate and sparsely puberulous when young but glabrescent, secondary veins 2 on each side of midvein, base cuneate to subcordate, margin entire and ciliate, apex long acuminate. Inflorescences axillary, cymose, 3-5-flowered; peduncle very short or absent. Pedicel ca. 4 mm, puberulous and glandular. Hypanthium campanulate-funnelform, ca. 3 mm, 4-sided, glandular. Calyx lobes shortly triangular, to 1 mm, apex apiculate. Petals 4, pink, broadly ovate to suborbicular, ca. 5 × 4 mm, inclined to one side, apex abrupt-ly acuminate. Stamens 4; filaments ca. 4 mm; anthers ca. 3.5 mm, slightly curved; connective not inflated. Ovary inferior, subglobose, 4-celled, glandular. Fl. ca. Oct, fr. unknown.